Alert Fantasy & Sci-Fi Girls!!!! RISE TO BATTLE
I'm very annoyed. As time goes on, the more the media (books, but especially TV & Film) focuses all the their science fiction and fantasy efforts on the adolescent boy, or the adult male with adolescent perspectives. The films are bigger with poofy special effects, but the stories are almost non-existent. It is like bad junk food that lacks nutrition-no thought required. It is all done to attract the male species into theaters. But what about us girls, huh? Those of us, and I know there are many of us girls, that love science fiction and fantasy. The powers in suits think that they need only make certain romantic comedies for us, (though those are even degrading into toilet humor-laced duds with one dimensional scripts) but I shout my defiance. I love science fiction and fantasy-big or small, silly or serious, but I demand some quality. I am also one of the few women writers out there that loves Rob...