Portents and Funky Dreams

Hello Friends, I had strange dreams this weekend. I even dreamed about my characters involved in something (some battle or a conference-hard to tell which) but it is a misty shadow now. Dreams may fade but they leave their mark. It could be too much Halloween candy. It is unsettling when my actual dreams are invaded by my characters, but I must take it to heart when that happens. They want my attention. As I start another Monday and plan my week of writing my novels, I find myself pondering how to achieve more writing time. What makes it difficult is the ever present threat of laziness on my part. Once I do force myself to the laptop or writing pad, I can become immersed in the ritual of the chapter and characters. It is wonderful when that happens. I am like a Goddess unleashing her power of creation (but in a benevolent way). A Wonder Woman of the Pen. A Celtic stor...