Heroic Women of Speculative Fiction! This week it's Kathryn Janeway!

Captain Kathryn Janeway Yes, I admire Captain Kathryn Janeway! In fact, I love this character and the actress who played her. I have recently watched all seven seasons of Star Trek Voyager, and my opinions have changed about the show. I admit, I was not into the show as much when it first aired, but I feel like Star Trek Enterprise. it was underrated. Also, I do not feel that Captain Janeway gets enough respect. This woman, this officer was brave, selfless, put the needs of others above her own, and was willing to die if necessary for the greater good. She had crap to deal with other Star Trek captains did not: like being catapulted into a different part of the galaxy without a compass, dealing with a shipload of cranky Marquis, hostile aliens who never heard of Starfleet or cared, and no way to call home for some backup. But this woman not only got her crew home, but in the proces...