The fate of fantasy, NaNoWriMo pressures, and small press pride!

Fantasy Fiction & Lost Imagination? Fantasy has always been popular. It appeals to all age groups and genders. There are many forms of this genre. Old style pulp fantasy, to the gentler &more classic, (think Tolkien) to modern epic multi-book fantasy series (examples: Harry Potter & Brian Sanderson). Now this genre often does not get the respect it deserves. Some people think of fantasy or science fiction and automatically stigmatize it as bad writing. You know the type. As a happy nerdy girl, I gravitated toward fantasy and science fiction. Did I love the Bronte sisters and other forms of literature? Yes. I love good writing. I have a shrine to the Bronte sisters. I revel in Shakespeare & Dickens. I do not discriminate by genre. There have been many great tales of fantasy. When I was young, it was still in a creative heyday. The fantasy novels I discovered off the book racks were filled with bright imagination. But now, no matter how epic or exotic the tale, I fe...