
Showing posts from September, 2013

Why Reviewers Make me Crazy & Why I Love James Spader in "The Blacklist."

Okay, I am delving into the television world for a rant, but I watched The Blacklist with James Spader.  I have been an admirer of his for years-from the teen flicks where he was the arrogant rich boy to his nerdy role in Mannequin to the handsome unlikely hero academic, Daniel Jackson,  in the movie Stargate (one of the most underrated science fiction films of all time).  James Spader is an incredible actor.  He will be one of those still standing when he is ancient and pudgy and a mass of wrinkles no amount of botox can remedy-because he was always more than a pretty face.   He can act.  Not all of Hollywood is a bastion of actors-many are cardboard images that will fade when their good looks have vanished. But returning to my main point about reviews, is that the online reviews I am reading are often a bit stupid and even miss the whole point (not just for Blacklist but for many shows).  People need  a thesaurus.  The...

What a Writer Does

Hello Friends, What does a writer do?  We create, explore, inform, reflect-the list is long.  The point is we write and we provide a creative and important chapter of our culture and even our species.  No matter what the medium-be it scrolls, hardbacks, walls, vellum, paperbacks, online, e-books, downloads,  rocks -we will always be there and  matter.  What we do is important.   Our communication of life is important.  Our storytelling is important.  Do not let the current trends frighten you or let the morons diminish you-writers are important.   The current changes in the publishing industry have people concerned and writers of all genres a little scared.  I say embrace the change and make it work for you.   There are possibilities.   E-books and online magazines that give writers a place.  The writing is the same it is just it's framework that is evolving.  If someone...

The Wild Forest and Coffee

Greetings, I have had a great summer.  I made huge progress in my new novel, " The Bard Maiden of Rhulon ," and though I did not finish it -I did a lot of good work.  I will finish it before year end.  My heroine, Rose Greenleaf, has a lot of adventures in this first book.    A whole new world for me to create.  Yum.  Speaking of yum I need more coffee.  The enchanted or cursed forests take a lot of energy. I also love that I am finally on Kindle for my novel, Gate of Souls, A Familiar's tale Book One ," and if any of my wonderful readers would mind posting some new reviews on Amazon for me that would be great.   My publisher also changed their name to Aberrant Dreams-which I like much better.  The art is still beautful.  I love it so.  Also, my contact information has been updated to a new email address.  It is on my website info at .   If any of my readers or agen...