The Wild Forest and Coffee


I have had a great summer.  I made huge progress in my new novel, "The Bard Maiden of Rhulon," and though I did not finish it -I did a lot of good work.  I will finish it before year end.  My heroine, Rose Greenleaf, has a lot of adventures in this first book.    A whole new world for me to create.  Yum.  Speaking of yum I need more coffee.  The enchanted or cursed forests take a lot of energy.
I also love that I am finally on Kindle for my novel, Gate of Souls, A Familiar's tale Book One," and if any of my wonderful readers would mind posting some new reviews on Amazon for me that would be great.   My publisher also changed their name to Aberrant Dreams-which I like much better.  The art is still beautful.  I love it so. 
Also, my contact information has been updated to a new email address.  It is on my website info at   If any of my readers or agents or hungry publishers desire to contact me, for your convenience my new official writer email is

I hope your summer was also magical.  Now I must return to one of my magical worlds to give my characters some trouble. 

Verna McKinnon


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