Gate of Souls newest edition and "older" editions

Hello Familiar's Tale friends!

I just want to clear up any confusion about editions on my Gate of Souls novel.
Below is the current book cover with my new and current publisher, Sky Warrior Books.
This cover is not only for my new Kindle edition, and it's available at wonderful Amazon through this link:
Now my publisher Sky Warrior books is releasing the print and audio version that will have this cover. Anything with this cover is good, because this is where the current royalties will be coming from. If you want a print edition, be patient, it has been sent to Amazon and other outlets by Sky Warrior. I will announce it when they are available.

There are older editions of my book being sold on many sites. They have this cover below, but these do not benefit myself or my previous publisher. We do not receive royalties anymore with any book that has this cover art, because my publisher cleared out his inventory a year ago.  I do adore this old cover, but I will never get a penny from this version now.  Neither will my former publisher. Most  of these editions are used, but some are being sold as new on some sites. Perhaps folks have inventory to clear. I understand. But please tell folks to buy an edition with the new cover. It is the only way to pay the writer. Thank you.

Until then, read more fantasy!

Verna McKinnon


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