The thing about writing imaginative fiction, whether it be any sub- class of science fiction or fantasy, is to create and maintain some very strong and solid templates for world and characters. Evil must be strong and frightening-something to make your soul churn- not your stomach . At least not too much. I have never been one for the gross out factor. Tubs of blood is something easy for humans to spill, because they do it all the time. Do not get precious. Our species is flawed and barely evolved out of the primordial pits. You do not even need to read history to verify this, simply watch the news or read the newspaper. We are very violent-which is why heroes (real heroes) are important. The conundrum is to create strong heroes that do not go all wimpy or stupid-or turn as evil as the forces they battle. A person can be brave or willing to sacrifice. A group not so much. T...
Also great news about a series of short stories I have done set in my world of A Familiar's Tale . My first short story about Obsydia the Bloodstone Queen, called The Bloodstone Queen , was published in Aberrant Dreams webzine a few months back. I am happy to say there will be more short stories set during the Bloodstone Age in which the immortal Queen Obsydia ruled. I have always had a fascination for the dark fairy tale queens of old, and when I conceived of Obsydia, I wanted to create dark wicked beauty and power beyond imagination. A character of my own design in originality. I wanted unique and shadowy. I wanted a Queen of Shadows. Obsydia, daughter of the dark god Ahridum and a mortal seer, born in a dark tower and woke 13 nights after her birth a fully grown woman. Her hair is literally shadow that curls around her death pale face of flawless beauty, silver moon eyes that see all, and lips red as blood. Red as blood is fairy tale speak, but it applies to Obsydia. She ...
Tree of Bones, A Familiar's Tale, Book 2 It's back! Am so happy Tree of Bones is back again, now published by Wolfsinger Publications. It was just released and am so glad to see it back in print and on kindle. As a reward, there are sweet deals for you! We decided to keep the original cover by artist, Mitch Bentley. Tree of Bones is the second book in my Familiar's Tale series. Tree of Bones is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and the WolfSinger Publications website. You can read the first chapter at Wolfsinger @ Tree of Bones | Fantasy | WolfSinger Publications ( Readers, you get a 15% discount by visiting the WolfSinger Publications website at: and using code NR2023. You can also get a 15% discount at Smashwords by using code PJ87Z. Discounts will be available through 8/31/23. Enjoy the fantasy! There is also time to ...