Dana Scully! Heroine of Science Fiction & Fantasy

DANA SCULLY, X-FILES HEROINE Hello Familiar Friends! Of course I am not done with honoring the heroines of science fiction and fantasy. There are so many worthy of mention. Speculative fiction is chock full of amazing female characters in TV, film, and books. So I am continuing my tributes after a long hiatus. This week we pay tribute to one of my favorites-Dana Scully of the X-Files. Dana Scully is one of the best heroines in sci-fi TV & film history. From the beginning in 1993 with her baggy 90's suits on her tiny 5'2" frame, to her style evolution with sleeker suits and better haircuts, Scully is one of our favorite heroines. Let's face it, a real busy career woman on the FBI with a load of college degrees never fussed about fashion or spending an hour on her hair in the morning. She did not have time to shop for hours. She had a busy important life. I am glad they did not try to glamorize Scully too much. Her confidence and...