Musings and Chocolate

Hello Familiar Friends,

I have not blogged in a long time. I feel bad, because I need to blog more, but then I get involved in the work of writing or editing, plus day to day life. Time slips. To reboot let me say I am upgrading my website again (thanks to help from my wonderful friend, Sally Hoss) and look forward to a fresh start for new year.

This year have completed my edits for new new novels with Sky Warrior Books. Tree of Bones and Bardess of Rhulon. Watch for them. I am waiting for my next novel to come out, so I will post updates as I get them.

I am currently writing two books right now, so I am a bit crazy (more than usual). I have been eating way to much chocolate and drinking way too much coffee, but  it fuels my writing and holds back the cranky moods.

I am learning to promote on social media. Follow me on Twitter  Facebook

Will be adding another top 10 list of my favorite heroines soon. There are many, so I cannot stop with the first ten. We need heroines more than ever now.

Since heroines are central in my tales, that is what my website is going to showcase. The female hero is going to take center stage in my blogs and my website.

More to come. For now, read more fantasy!


Verna McKinnon


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