Welcome 2023! Bastard Sorceress, Writing goals, projects & more news!

Welcome to 2023 my friends! My time has been busy with writing and new publishing projects, so I have not blogged in a while. Okay, in over a year. Life is crazy. We all know this. I do promise to blog more often. Let's catch up! First, my newest novel, The Bastard Sorceress, is getting wonderful reviews. Mandy Eve Barnett, a wonderful writer and reviewer, posted a wonderful review on Goodreads. Thank you, Mandy! Personally, I would like to see a goal of at least twenty-five reviews on for my novels on Amazon. This would allow my book to be included in newsletters or be suggested on the website. The algorithms are brutal. I think a dark wizard created those rules. As an author with a small publisher, it is harder for us. So, let's give the small presses support. Many wonderful novels are published by small publishers. if you like a novel, review it. It helps more than you know. You can also check out the first chapter of Bastard Sorceress at TANSTAAFL Press. Th...