Welcome 2023! Bastard Sorceress, Writing goals, projects & more news!


Welcome to 2023 my friends! My time has been busy with writing and new publishing projects, so I have not blogged in a while. Okay, in over a year. Life is crazy. We all know this. I do promise to blog more often. Let's catch up!

First, my newest novel, The Bastard Sorceress, is getting wonderful reviews. Mandy Eve Barnett, a wonderful writer and reviewer, posted a wonderful review on Goodreads. Thank you, Mandy! 

Personally, I would like to see a goal of at least twenty-five reviews on for my novels on Amazon. This would allow my book to be included in newsletters or be suggested on the website. The algorithms are brutal. I think a dark wizard created those rules. As an author with a small publisher, it is harder for us. So, let's give the small presses support. Many wonderful novels are published by small publishers.  if you like a novel, review it. It helps more than you know. You can also check out the first chapter of Bastard Sorceress at TANSTAAFL Press. The Bastard Sorceress » TANSTAAFL Press

My novel, The Bardess of Rhulon, will have a sequel. The novel is currently titled, War Poet, in my Rogue Bardess series. As I continue Rose Greenleaf's story, old friends and dangerous enemies will return. There will be magic and new mysteries. Some great new characters will appear as Rose walks the bard path with the goblin wars shadowing the land, and a dark fey shadowing her. Also, post a review! Writers love you for that. You can also read the first chapter to The Bardess of Rhulon at TANSTAAFL press.  The Bardess of Rhulon » TANSTAAFL Press

More to come later. Until then, read more fantasy!!!


Verna McKinnon


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