War Poet, February Goals, Sanity, & Goblin Rant
War Poet: progress & why motivation is not the key to finishing your book I am deep into writing the sequel to The Bardess of Rhulon , which is offically titled, War Poet . Motivation may spark your creaive journey, but you cannot rely on motivation to finish. One thing I have learned over the years is two things keep you going: Discipline & Focus. Discipline &focus is how you finish. It is easy to make excuses or try to find that initial motivation feeling again. Discipline is what matters. Focus keeps you working. This is how you finish chapters, draft outlines, do chartacter bios, edit, do grammar and spell checks. It does not matter if you are writing a novel or short story. You need both to finish. How many writers get started and flounder at three chapters in? It is easy to submit to failure, but you must be stronger to go on and finish. It's okay if it is not perfect. You can polish and rewrite. Just write! Discipline and focus are key for your goal...