War Poet, February Goals, Sanity, & Goblin Rant


War Poet: progress & why motivation is not the key to finishing your book

I am deep into writing the sequel to The Bardess of Rhulon, which is offically titled, War Poet. Motivation may spark your creaive journey, but you cannot rely on motivation to finish. One thing I have learned over the years is two things keep you going: Discipline & Focus.

Discipline &focus is how you finish. It is easy to make excuses or try to find that initial motivation feeling again. Discipline is what matters. Focus keeps you working. This is how you finish chapters, draft outlines, do chartacter bios, edit, do grammar and spell checks. It does not matter if you are writing a novel or short story. You need both to finish. How many writers get started and flounder at three chapters in? It is easy to submit to failure, but you must be stronger to go on and finish. It's okay if it is not perfect. You can polish and rewrite. Just write! Discipline and focus are key for your goals.

I am a writer who always knows how my story ends. I know the fate of characters, who wins, who loves, and who fights. I know how every tale I ever created ends, even if it is a series and that end is three novels in the future. Do some minor things change along the way? Sure! But that often happens for a reason because you have figured out what happens your novel. So develop the skills to keep going. Writing is brutal and frustrating, but it is also rewarding. 

February Goals

I have vowed to focus on finishing War Poet. When? Not sure, but am on a roll. Since it is a big project, I think that will be my main goal for February. I am only human. My publisher, Tom Gondolfi of TANSTAAFL Press, is also eager for my finished novel.


My sanity is sketchy at the moment. I blame my February goal for finishing War Poet. When will it be completed for my publisher? I cannot answer. Really Tom, I cannot give a date yet. 

Goblin Rant

I am often both amused and annoyed by the opinions of other writers on certain topics. In one social media feed, we were discussing the pros and cons of being with a small press or self-publishing, or published by a large publishing house. One writer told me it is best to stay small because you cannot get dumped the way a large publisher can drop your book if your sales are down. This person has also never to my knowedlge been anything but self-published. Nothing wrong with that. But, I was told I am better off where I am and money and exposure are not important. Really? I have been with small presses from the beginning. I have had two small publishers fold on me. And money? I may not be making money now, but I intend to. People who say they do not care about some level of success are just full of bull%$#@. I am driven to make my mark as an author. Just ask my publisher Tom about my quest to be Mistress of Epic Fantasy. Also, big publishers can send books to reviewers and magazines of note. Big publishers have the clout to send books to other authors in their house for author endorsements. Your book is seen on well-known websites. This blessing happened to a colleague of mine. Her book is getting a ton of push on a huge scale, and I am happy for her. It is not easy for small presses to get reviewed by major outlets and magazines. There are a lot of great works being published through small presses, but we are not getting the attention we deserve. We are great! And I want my novels to be seen. How else will people read my work? So I have my moments when the goblin inside my head has a big screaming rant. I do not apologize. 

What are your writing goals? Whatever they are, do not be afraid to pursue them. Fight for your dreams. Done for now. Need tea and chocolate. So until next time, read more fantasy (and explore small publisher offerings from TANSTAAFL Press.)


Verna McKinnon 👸 Mistress of Epic Fantasy




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