Holiday Scrolls & Book News

Hello all and happy holidays! Time for drobba cakes and endless cups of hot drobba smothered with whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon.
I should never blog while feeling peckish.

The first great news is now "Gate of Souls" will also be at your favorite Barnes & Noble store in about 6-8 weeks. I have been available since the beginning through their online site, but this is most exciting. If you see a short woman with chestnut hair staring for hours at my book "Gate of Souls" on the shelf-it could be me. Three cheers for Barnes & Noble!

I am also steaming with new ideas about the third book in my Familiar's Tale series, "Fires of Rapiveshta." I cannot say much because I want my readers to be surprised. I will say that Rapiveshta, as I mentioned in the first book during one of Belwyn's school lessons for Mellypip in "Gate of Souls," is the land of the dragons. There will be lots of dragons!

The second book in my series, "Tree of Bones," has been turned into my editor at HD-Image publishing to begin the fun task of polishing and editing before it goes to print. You will enjoy the return of favorite characters like Runa and Mellypip, plus new exciting characters too-human, feathery, furry, and immortal.

More later. I need drobba.


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