The First Time...

Belated Happy New Year to all. Has been busy time. Physically, I am recovering from the holidays, though the scale turned ruthless upon my New Year's weigh-in; prepping for 2009's pristine diet and exercise regime. As a writer I must remain physically and mentally fit.
However, the ginger bread cookies and chocolates left their merciless mark on my thighs.
Cruel scale. Will have cocoa to feel better after the even crueler treadmill.

The good news is my artistic scales are better balanced. I went into my local Barnes & Noble to see if my book, Gate of Souls, was in yet. I have done this a couple times a week since I received the letter from B&N that they would carry my book in the stores. So when I finally saw it on the shelf, in the new over sized paperback shelf of the Science Fiction/Fantasy section, I was a bit dumbfounded. I stared at it like village idiot for a good deal of my lunch hour. I then took a picture of Gate of Souls on the shelf with my cell phone (technology is so nice, especially when it provides instant gratification) and called my husband. Also made a sale. A hapless couple wandering the aisle, came too close and I casually asked if they were looking for something new to read. I knew they read my genre when I saw some of the books in the gentleman's hand. He said yes. I held out my book and said "buy me."
They laughed. I did not expect them to really buy my book. However a few minutes later the wife came up to me and said she would love to buy my book and would I mind signing it. I said yes, of course. I will always sign for folks. It's only polite. So she bought Gate of Souls and I happily inscribed it. Was nice day, even though I had to go back to work.

But the first time seeing my book, Gate of Souls, in the bookstore is a great moment indeed.
More news very soon. Must get back to writing the new Familiar's Tale. Am on book three as my publisher has book two, Tree of Bones, in hand and we are in editing process. But I left one of my characters in the bit of a bind (litertally) and I think they want me to write the next chapter to resolve the situation.


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