Wicked, Bothered, and Blue

Hello all. I am in the trenches of writing Fires of Rapiveshta. The third "Familiar's Tale" novel will have return of our favorite characters, and the addition of a few new characters-both good and evil. The second is very close to coming to book form once my editor Joe and I fine tune the last few chapters before he sends it to print. I long to revel in telling you about some of those characters in Tree of Bones, the second book. But we must be patient. It is a process that involves more than writing and proofing for boo boos. There is much back and forth communication between my editor and myself, though his points are more about tiny bits of editing that slip by and very minor corrections. But even he noted many times my wicked characters are the most fun and need the least the editing. The only exception to that is a new strong but good character added to the series in book 2 named Grimm Darkrunner, which I cannot wait for you to read. He is currently my editors new favorite character. But I must not say more for now. :)
It is strange that despite my objective of writing fantasy where good triumphs and even kicks ass, I always have more fun with my "wicked" characters and they are the easiest for me to write as well.
I hope that does not reflect something bad about my "character." I also hate it when the good guys are too passive. Heroes should never be wimps. What's your opinion?
Still, starting a novel is the toughest thing, even though the whole book is in your head- like mine often are. Whole chapters of my story flood through my mind complete with dialogue, technicolor with cool special effects and a stimulating soundtrack. But it is those first words, that portion in the genesis of the novel that will hopefully bind the reader to continue, is hardest for me to formulate to my satisfaction. I am never happy with it, no matter what. It can get depressing-and as a writer depression is always ever looming.
Still, I feel that once I can get through the first chapter, it gets easier, and past chapter three I am on a roll. Then I go into hyper drive for several chapters. I never start any book without knowing exactly how it will end, and once I know what the last dialogue or scene is in my head, it all flows like a river. With Familiar's Tale, I know how the entire series of four books will play out and the fate of almost all my characters. I find that a few are in flux, not fixed in the storyline's fates, but there is usually a reason for that. It will open to me when it is ready.
Back to work. It is raining outside and I have my third cup of coffee. Time to write.


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