Monsters and Moving

Hello Familiar's Tale fans. I am finally resettled in new home in Seattle. I love it here and am trying to find way around. Moving is chaos-full of horrid little monsters. I prefer the fantasy monsters-not the real ones that take forever to deliver your stuff. But that is over now.

I have a new short story that will be in the August issue of Mystic Signals. It is called the Forest Paradox. Have fun reading and let me know what you think. I will get more details on post them on blog.

My poor editor Joe has promised that he will get me the last chapters of "Tree of Bones" to me soon. I cannot wait for second novel to be in print.

Well, more soon, but now I am off to write more stories. I just wanted everyone to know I was not eaten by trolls.


Kelly said…
Hi, happy to see you are settling in. Cannot wait for more stories! Write lots and lots, friends and fans requesting it most sincerely!

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