Madness and Magic

I am so sorry my fellow fantasy readers that I have been lax once again in my blogging.  I know I must be more frequent in such things, as it is a way for me the author to communicate, well,  to any one that thinks I am worth reading about.   The thing is I have been busy with a variety of traumas-the day to day human torments I shall not twiddle about here.  We all suffer the same there.
But the writing-the creativity that is the fountain of my work-has been busy on rising levels.  I am writing two novels right now, plus finished a my version of a classic fairy tale (Snow White-my favorite) for a contest.
Unfortunately, the contest is no longer an issue, so I must now also find a home for a humorous and suspenseful version of my Snow White at 11,000 plus words.  There is lots of magic and fun, and some darkness to tingle your spine.
But I am going to focus on my books, plus write some new short stories here and there.  
My editor promises my "Tree of Bones," the second in my "Familiar's Tale" series, will be out early this year. 
I love Seattle.  I am working on discipline, which for a writer can be difficult.  We are amazing procrastinators.  No one can create delays better than a writer.  It is a wonder we get anything done at all.
But I plan to get some things done this year-namely 2 novels and at least 3 short stories (though I may include my fairy tale in that batch).
Farewell for now.  I shall be back soon to share more writer wisdom or at the very least, a recipe for low fat brownies.
Writers do need to feed their brains you know. 


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