Snow White Lives!

Hello all.  Just a quick blog to let everyone know a couple things.  First, my new short story, "Snow White: My Story," will be published by Mystic Signals in their February 2012 print edition.  The quarterly fantasy fiction magazine can be bought at their websites or  I am proud because Snow White has always been one of my favorite fairy tales.  Many good (and bad) writers have done versions of this classic fairy tale.  I have kept my tale in a mythical fairy age time, but have given Snow White a stronger voice and added some humor.  I have also been bothered by obvious holes in the old story-Why the demand for her bloody heart in the iron casket?  Why do bluebirds land on her shoulder?  Why the dwarfs and who were they really?  What about stepmother's past?  Why the gruesome red-hot iron slippers on stepmother?  I have answered these and more, and yes- it is still funny and still dark. 

 Fairy tales should be dark.

But these old folk tales of magic, lost princesses, stalwart princes, and witches were also morality tales with stark fates for the good and the bad.  I love fairy tales, but the dark ones, not the sanitized tales that parents want to read to their five year olds.  That is not why fairy tales were invented.  Read them the Care Bears instead.

On another happy note,my husband Rick Hipps has a new short story accepted by Weird War Anthology.  The story is called "Hunter's Run."  It is through War of the Words Press and is a British print anthology.  I am so proud. 

That is all for now.  I am writing another short story and waiting to hear about another submission.

 Luv & Hugs

Verna McKinnon


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