So long long ago....

It has been a long time since I wrote anything in my blog.  Months in fact.  I think last time I was heady and sad with the Once Upon a Time season finale.  Heady because it was so great...sad because it would be months until the 2nd season.  Season 2 is here and I am happy to have a fun fantasy show with depth back.
I have also been writing.  Parts of 2 novels and short stories.  I have ideas that I am taking down for other stories.  Writing down little bits of magic that sometimes flows from my imagination.  I have been waiting for my cover art for book 2.  My newest short stor, "A Bard's Blunder," was published in the Bards & Sages quarterly July 2012 edition.   Check it out.  It is a funny little fantasy about the spirit of Shakespeare running into those three weird sisters in the Afterlife.  They are not amused.
Also much sadness for many reasons.
1.  Ray Bradbury passed away.  He was a literary giant with a dazzling imagination.  He will be missed and his works will always be treasured.
2. The demise of the "Space Program" in this country.
4.  Michael O'Hare, who was so great as David Sinclair on Babylon 5, passed away.

There is more, but that is the short list.  I am hoping to have more news soon about book release and it be available on Kindle!  Yeah.  In the meantime, let your imagination run riot and live!  More to come.  I will be back more often.


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