My softback of Gate of Souls is on sale at Amazon

Hello Friends,

Yes, I am on a promo frenzy, but Amazon currently has my large softback edition of Gate of Souls on sale for $5.84.  The normal cost of my softback edition is usually $16.95, so I am quite a bargain.  The free promo for my Kindle editon is over, but my usual price of $3.99 is sweet.

On other notes, I would like to ask you wonderful folks that have read my novel to post a review on Amazon.  It is hard being a Indie novelist today.   For now, I am going back to writing Bard Maiden of Rhulon so I can offer more to my readers.  The next book in my Familiar's Tale series, Tree of Bones, is due out soon (my publisher of Aberrant Dreams assures me)  so take heart.   Have a great week and read something.  It does a mind good.

Verna McKinnon


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