Publishing News!

Hello Familiar Friends,

Writing is a bloody business. It is demanding and draining. It makes you feel alive and it makes you feel hopeless. Can you tell that I have been busy writing? it does make you a little mad and after sending a mass of query letters to agents for another novel, I feel just a little tetchy. Because of this, I have been bad about blogging to my friends. I should be better at blogging, as it is a means for writers to share our thoughts and what we are up to, but I was immersed in telling stories. That is the business of writing for me. Because of this I have some good news to share.

I did a polish edit and major revisions on Tree of Bones (2nd entry in my Familiar's Tale trilogy) and submitted it to my publisher at Sky Warrior Books. Now I just need to wait for my favorite editor to have time on her schedule.

I submitted my high fantasy novel, Bardess of Rhulon, about a female Dwarven bard heroine named Rose Greenleaf to Sky Warrior books and was accepted. They optioned my whole trilogy for Rose Greenleaf and I signed the contracts this week. I am very excited. Dwarven female heroines are not common in the fantasy world and they should be.

I am now busy writing Fires of Rapiveshta, final entry in my Familiar's Tale trilogy. It will be sad to see it end, but my characters can always come back for a second trilogy with new story lines. The great thing about Fires of Rapiveshta is it will have dragons! Lots of dragons.

More to come. Now read more fantasy!!!


Verna McKinnon


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