Novel Quest! Part 1:The Insanity Equation!

Novel Quest #1
The Coffee, Chocolate, &Insanity Equation

By Verna McKinnon

Okay, I'm going to try to do more blog posts about writing-specifically the process of writing a novel in progress and share my process with you. It will be as I create a specific novel in fact: The Bastard Sorceress. I will share the frustrations and glories as I create my newest novel and lead heroine. Yes, because in my writing universe, heroines rule. I do have heroic men in my tales, but the central character in most of my novels are female. In fantasy and science fiction, I feel I can break free of the tropes given to women in traditional novels. Good storytelling is also key. Make them interesting and toss out stereotypes. Experiment. Write. And write some more.

The Bastard Sorceress is a fantasy novel about a young woman named Sabine Fable. Yes, she is a bastard, but that is only the tip of the wand for my heroine's story arc. She has many troubles and is hopelessly flawed. She is not the rose without a thorn. In many ways she is all thorns, but that's why I love her. But she is good and strong too, despite the obstacles in her path toward magic.

I have been working on a new fantasy novel for a few months.I created the main character (Sabine Fable) about two years ago. She is brand new for me. My initial story idea for Sabine was different, but both she and her tale evolved into something new. That's the thing about ideas. Things change. Nothing is ever written in stone. A good character can lead you down a new road!

In creating a story, you must experiment with your ideas. Sometimes as you put together your book bible, where you organize your world, characters, cultures, etc., for the novel, things just shift. It is usually a good thing. Do not fight it. 

With each Novel Quest entry. I will go over the steps for creating your novel. Chapter revisions, character lists, dialogue tips, blurbs, and more. 

Right now, an idea or character is key. Start with that! Run with it. Play "what if." One of my favorite writer guides was Ray Bradbury's Zen and the Art of Writing. If you do not have a copy, get one! 

Take copious notes as your drink too much coffee and eat chocolate chip cookies. And do not fear the insanity. Creative people are not normal any way. Just accept it and write on.

More to come. Until my next Novel Quest more fantasy!

Verna McKinnon



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