Tree of Bones Release, Goblin Rant: The Curse of Tropes, & Writing On Empty

Tree of Bones, A Familiar's Tale, Book 2

It's back! Am so happy Tree of Bones is back again, now published by Wolfsinger Publications. It was just released and am so glad to see it back in print and on kindle. As a reward, there are sweet deals for you! We decided to keep the original cover by artist, Mitch Bentley. Tree of Bones is the second book in my Familiar's Tale series. 

Tree of Bones is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and the WolfSinger Publications website. 

You can read the first chapter at Wolfsinger @ Tree of Bones | Fantasy | WolfSinger Publications ( 

Readers, you get a 15% discount by visiting the WolfSinger Publications website at: and using code NR2023. You can also get a 15% discount at Smashwords by using code PJ87Z. Discounts will be available through 8/31/23. Enjoy the fantasy!

There is also time to take advantage of deals on Gate of Souls. A Familiar's Tale, Book 1. These discounts are available until 08/15.

You can read the first chapter here: Gate of Souls | Fantasy | WolfSinger Publications (

Deals include WolfSinger Publications: - Use coupon code NR2023 to save 15% off the cover price. (Valid through 8/15) (Trade Paperback, .pdf and ePub are available on the WolfSinger website)

Smashwords: - Coupon code AH37L to save 15% off the cover price. (Valid through 8/15)

Gate of Souls is of course on Amazon & Snashwords - Coupon code AH37L to save 15% off the cover price. (Valid through 8/15)

Goblin Rant: The Curse of Tropes

Maybe I have read too many books, seen to many shows & movies, but certain tropes set off my inner goblin. There are so many that need to go down a deep, goblin hole. Here is a list of some tropes that annoy me. 

Death: Killing off a character because you think it wraps up their story. It might kill off your readership as well, or your viewership.A character death must mean something. This has been done in books as well as TV and film. Some of these shows traumitized me. As have some books. Boo! 

The Reluctant Couple: Playing the boring game with keeping a couple apart, and only coming together at the end. Some examples from TV: Penny and Leonard from Big Bang Theory & Ross & Rachel from Friends. I was sick to death with both shows before season five. The trick of letting them get together for a season and then split them up for years until the show is cancelled. It's boring and by the end, I did not care at all. And the trope of  having other, less important characters, find love and marriage as a weird compensation. I would rather see a couple weather bumps and stay together. Have some imagination. A couple with charisma is never boring. 

The Adventure Ends: The trope of now that you have a spouse or fulfilled a destiny, your adventure ends. You settle in a cottage and quietly have babies. My characters will never follow that road. Some may marry, but they will never fall into fantasy suburbia. Life does not end when you find your love or destiny, It should continue to grow. This is for both male and female characters. When Prince Charming wakes up Snow White with a kiss after the deadly apple episode, I don't think her advenuture is at an end. 

Okay, rant done. For the moment.  

Writing On Empty

As I push ahead with completing War Poet (Bardess of Rhulon, Book 2) I have been overwhelmed by annoying obstacles. A bad cold which longered for three weeks, and when I finally stopped coughing, a hurt my back. I want a refund on July. Now that we are in August, I hope to complete War Poet, I just need to avoid the plague and not move. Rose Greenleaf is getting impatient for her story's completion. Wish me luck as I dive into the goblin war and a dark fairy war. 
More to come later.  Until then, read more fantasy!



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