The Trouble With Tropes

I have been a Geek Girl since I can remember. Science fiction, fantasy, horror (though not the gross stuff),  paranormal-it's all good. However, I have noticed patterns over time that irritate the hell out of me. They are also the same annoyances that plague even regular dramas and comedies, both literary and screen versions. Let me just say-this  must stop! Here is my list of grievances.

1. The Girlfriend Death. She must die in the story, but it will be okay because our hero will have a sidekick. This got old decades ago, but they still force it down our throats. Most tragic science fiction or fantasy tales have the family/girl friend/wife/kids die in some tragic way. let's not forget slaughter of family or tribe. In the end, the hero manages to trudge on with his sidekick. Ugh. They used this a lot in Conan's TV and Film versions (hint: in the book series Conan's parents and tribe did not die. so he did not he need to seek revenge for it). 
Why are the girls/women so expandable? I do not know. I never liked it. The female hero and male hero together could be so much fun. An example of this tired trope is something from the 90's, BeastMaster TV series. Starts out with his love, Kyra, being abducted, and the hunt for her. Finally reunited at end of season 1, she dies tragically (of course, why let her live?) but he bucks up and continues his adventures with his male sidekick. Why couldn't she live? Because of the trope disease infecting stories. I personally think a scifi or fantasy couple fighting evil would be great. Exciting. Thank god for Xena, Warrior Princess. Please note, the wonderful Andre Norton book series would be better to examine. I have no idea why a fantasy couple is an issue. It's like the boy's club saying girls can't have fun too. Well, we can and I will damn well prove it with my books. 

2. Prophesy/Chosen Ones: This has been used to death, but even when it serves it's purpose, it gets old. The last time this worked for me was the David Eddings series, The Belgariad and the Mallorean book series. It was a foundation, but not the whole tale.

3. Vampires & Zombies: Done to death. Sorry, had to say, but this is a dead trope to me. And the sexy vampire thing is annoying too. And zombies? Really? I am so sick of the genre, I could scream. How many years can a bunch of people run from zombies? It gets old. And depressing. It only goes into misery without hope. There are few vampire threads that make them sympathetic. And zombies are so old and overused, even the offshoot comedy or spoof movies are lame now. Stop! Unless you can put a clean and fresh spin, just stop. I am not saying I have not enjoyed the genre. Buffy put a great spin on vampires. The short-lived Moonlight TV show had some interesting points and great characters. Vampire legends goes back centuries. They are not the clean stake through heart, sunlight issues with SPF needs, bloodsuckers in cinema. Think about what would make them interesting. 

4. Orphans: A Dickensian trope often used in science fiction and fantasy genres.These need to be carefully handled. 

5. Overlords/Dark Rulers: These need to handled with care-from Darth Vader to Lord Voldemort (is there a theme with V names here?). Use them with care. 

6. Gandalf Syndrome: A wise old wizard who speaks in riddles. Whatever.

7. Men are the heroes, women are watchers: No. Just stop. Stereotypes are nasty and not very inclusive or diverse. The maiden/wife (or whorish witch) and the heroic knight is the past. Live in the now.

8.  The single race/religion/society: A world has many religions and races and cultures. So many books so not expand on that. And do not make a race all evil/good or a society all evil/good. It is more complex than that. Same with religion-expand on it. Create a foundation in your world building to have richness and diversity. Think about faith and religion and it's complexities.   

9. Ice Worlds/Desert Planets:  This has been done. Move on.

10. Darkness/Light: Be imaginative. It is too easy to just say light is good and darkness evil. Life, nature, myths, and gods are not so simple. A good guy can be deformed or a maiden ugly but beautiful inside. A dark night may offer protection to the hero/heroine. Use your imagination.

Okay, I am done venting. Have a lovely holiday season.


Verna McKinnon   



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