Writing Resolutions, Stress, COVID CURSING!!!


Good Riddence 2020! 

How many of us make the traditional New Year's resolutions? Be it for writing or getting healthy, whatever, we all do it. But the question I pose is perhaps we should look at this from a fresher perspective.
Whether we call them resolutions or goals, I believe the best way to achieve this is to form a routine around those goals. 
If we want to write more, set a routine for your creative goals. Start slow at first, and then build on it. The more you follow your routine, the more progress you will make. And progress leadds to bigger and better things.

COVID Salvation

As we all endure isolation and COVID stress, here are a couple things which have made life less crappy.



These two shows restored my faith in science fiction & fantasy on television. Yes, I am a big lover of TV and Film. These two made the year less wretched.

All for now. Stay safe and wear a mask...and run away from those without one. 

All for now.


Verna McKinnon



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