Halloween Season, Writing & Scary Good Publishing News!

The Bardess of Rhulon now
published by Tanstaafl Press!
Tanstaafl Press has picked up The Bardess of Rhulon for publication. Tanstaafl Press is awesome. My book is now available in both paperback and Kindle editions at both The Bardess of Rhulon » TANSTAAFL Press and at Amazon. Go to Tanstaffl Press to read the first chapter of Bardess of Rhulon for free. Bardess of Rhulon has a beautiful new cover! This is the first of Bardess novels in my series called The Rogue Bardess. More news on my series is forthcoming. My heroine, Rose Greenleaf, will be a busy girl learning to control her magical skill the glam rhapsodé. I must show off my new cover, because I love it. The artist is Kristin Bryant. Thank you, Kristin. And thanks to my new publisher and editor, Tom Gondolfi.
Writing for
Writing is often the only thing keeping me from going nuts. Not the good yummy walnut kind either. Crazy nuts. The world has been a dumpster fire. Staying calm in this Covid world is tough. There is no normal yet. So what do I do, as I go to work masked and pray my vaccine holds out? I take joy in what makes me happy. I write. Drink coffee. Count my blessings. And plan writing more books. My second Bardess book has already begun (My Bardess, Rose Greenelaf, is going to endure a lot of strife and chaos). My newest novel, The Bastard Sorceress, is nearing completion. There are other changes coming too. Another publisher (whom I hope to name in next newsletter) will be picking up my Familiar's Tale series. Another book coming in my Familiar's Tale series (Fires of Rapiveshta). That one is finished. Just awaiting the rescue of my new publisher. This will complete the trilogy.
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Thanks for reading & believe in dragons!
This is also a sample of my newsletter, so if you would like to subscrbe, just go to my website @ www.vernamckinnon.com
Stay well & feisty.
Verna McKinnon