Baby dragons, March word battle, & writer wisdom on marketing


Baby Dragons

Who doesn't love magical animals? I use them a great deal in my books & stories. Rory, the baby pukis dragon, is one of the stars in The Bastard Sorceress. I find animal characters to be relatable and fun. With dragons, unicorns, perytons, gryphons, and animal famliars of all kinds, I will never run out of story ideas. Rory (pictured above thanks to my publisher, Tom Gondolfi of TANSTAAFL Press) has his very own promo ad where he tells his side of the story. You can buy The Bastard Sorceress on Amazon @

March Word Battle 

How many words am I writing a day? The word battle can make you crazy. War Poet is flowing. The novel is entering the danger phase for my characters. I mean, there have been challenges. It would be dull without threats to my precious characters. New kingdoms to explore. The Siabur, Fallon Gansis, is closing in on our heroine, Rose Greenleaf. Why does he want her rhapsode' magic? The Goblin War is taking a toll in the eastern realms. A mad king wars on his people. A captive prince needs rescue. Rose and Culain face their hidden emotions as Meg Sparrow faces her painful past. Lots of trauma and action. Lots of magic & secrets. Let's see how I survive March.

Marketing for Small Press & Indie Writers

This is a touchy subject for some. It is for me, but I need to share what I have learned over the years being with a small press. We don't have it so easy, do we? Who can find us in the massive well of Amazon book section as we drown among the other unseen novelists? Who knows us? How can we spread the word? There are many online book marketing companies. Many. Are they worth it? Many are not. Maybe some are, I just haven't found one. I have paid a little and more than a litte for a marketing campaign. Their websites have dozens of testimonials on how great they are. I have never seen any sales upswing, not even a decent example of a promo. It's like some of them just download a picture of the cover and link, but do little else. Many just take your money and run, so beware. They do not even design a good promo image. They do not add your reviews to the promo ads. Beware. If it sounds to good to be true, it is.  I have taken to learning how to do my own. They are not perefect, but better than what I paid for with these marketing geniuses that fib as they take your money. Learn to do your own promos. Canva is great and I use the free version. 

My dragon is calling me back to work and word counts. Enjoy the day and read more fantasy!


Verna McKinnon




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